Dresnik Archaeological site

Dresnik, 32000 Kline, Kosovo

The ongoing excavations have resulted in very interesting and important findings for the knowledge of the early civilization in Kosovo. During the excavations of 2012-2015, several architectural monuments were identified, of which the Aula with large dimensions stands out. This type of Hall can only belong to the palaces of that time. In addition to the size of the building, this monument stands out because of the polychrome mosaic floors. The palace is located in the center of this locality, and the surrounding wall with a width of 3.7 meters and 3 towers that are characterized by the size and thickness of the walls have also been identified. A residential complex was also found inside the walls, in which traces of wall paintings of hypocausts were identified, which prove the high social, economic and artistic level of the residents of this complex. Many coins of different Roman emperors of the 3rd and 4th centuries have also been found, as well as some pieces of statues made of marble, so it is a matter of a "Municipium" (ancient city). Based on historical, archaeological, artistic and scientific values, the archaeological site of Dresnik in 2016 was declared under permanent protection by the Kosovo Council for Cultural Heritage.

Endrit Shatri(Location proprietor, Main contact)
In the case of public locations, contact the competent authority

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